10 Ways to Increase Your Online Business Without a Website Redesign

Gary Mike Adams
5 min readOct 20, 2021


Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

In today’s ever-changing online world, the importance of a website is undeniable. A good-looking, functioning website is a business’ online face. If your site isn’t up to par, it’s not doing your business justice. Yet as we know, a website redesign can be expensive and time-consuming. But there are many other ways to increase your online business without spending the money and time on a website redesign. You could try to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and use images and videos rather than text. Other ways to improve your site without a website redesign include updating your social media feeds more often, blogging, hosting webinars or contests, or adding white papers to your site.

1) Host a Webinar or Contest

If you’re looking for a new way to connect with your customers without a website redesign, consider hosting a webinar or a contest. Not only will this help increase brand awareness and loyalty, but it’s also a great way to get feedback from your customers on how you can improve your business. Or, if you want to really engage with your customers, consider hosting a contest. You can ask questions about what they like and don’t like about your business, what products they want to see you carry, or even if there is anything else they would like added to your website.

2) Add Video Content

Everyone likes videos — it engages the customer in another way other than just text, especially if it’s a video of you or one of your employees talking about company news. If you haven’t already, add videos to your website. They’re fun and engaging for customers and great if you want to help explain a product in more detail. Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that Facebook is going all-in on adding video content, which means that businesses should be more concerned than ever about adding video to their sites.

3) Improve Your Site’s Usability

One thing you might not want to do with your website is make it mobile-friendly. Still, more and more consumers are turning to mobile devices to access the internet every day, so if you aren’t making sure your site is easy to navigate and understand on a smartphone, you’re losing customers. To keep your site mobile-friendly, you can add a link at the top of each page that will take users back to the main site, where they can find more information.

4) Don’t Put Everything Under One Umbrella

Differentiators can quickly bring in more customers, and it doesn’t require a website redesign. If you think about the top brands out there — such as Apple, Nike, Starbucks — they all have certain aspects that make them unique and popular. Maybe your brand revolves around giving back to the community or having the most innovative products on the market. Whatever your differentiators are, make sure you’re highlighting them on your website. If you can define who your ideal customer is and create content specifically for them, that will help increase the number of customers interested in what you have to offer.

5) Blog Regularly

Blog posts aren’t just for bloggers — they’re also great ways to keep your customers up to date on what you have going on in the world of your business without a website redesign. It’s a great way to build relationships with your customers and offer them something that they can’t find anywhere else, which will give people a reason to come back. Plus, it’s another form of content that Google loves — so if you want an SEO boost, blogging is the way to go.

6) Add More Images and Videos

A study by Kenshoo Social found that images on social media will increase click-through rates by as much as 150%, so if you want more traffic coming to your site, try adding more photos and videos. If you have a blog, consider using more images on that, too. Adding more images and videos is also a good idea if you’re looking to operate more like a social media site rather than your website — using more images and videos will make it feel more like Facebook or Pinterest.

7) Keep Your Site Updated

Along with adding new content, you should make sure the content on your site remains fresh. This doesn’t mean you have to get rid of old content or articles — make sure that the ones you’re keeping are updated. The last thing you want is your visitors to get out-of-date information, which can also cause problems with search rankings because Google will think your site isn’t relevant anymore.

8) Promote Your Social Media Profiles

If you have a Twitter handle, Facebook page, Instagram account, or whatever social media site is relevant to your business, make sure that it’s linked to your website. That way, if someone finds out about your business on Facebook and they want to go back so they can follow you, all of the necessary links are on your website.

9) Offer More Contests and Giveaways

Giving back to your customers is never a bad idea, and one of the best ways to do this is by hosting contests and giveaways. Not only will it increase traffic to your website as people compete for the prizes you’re offering, but it can also increase your social media following as more people share about what you’re doing.

10) Offer White Papers or Educational Content

This is a great way to get your site out there while also positioning yourself as an expert in your industry. You can do this by adding more educational content on the blog section of your website, putting together downloadable white papers, or perhaps offering eBooks for free.

These are just a few ways to increase your online business without spending money and time on a website redesign. If your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for search engines, it will be easier to generate more traffic and attract new customers. Try some of these suggestions and see how it works out!



Gary Mike Adams

I am an eclectic writer with many interests and topics that go through my head daily. I am extremely passionate about my craft and always want to push further.