8 Reasons Why Being Mindful is so Important

These eight reasons will help you understand the benefits of mindfulness so you can incorporate it into your own life!

Gary Mike Adams
3 min readOct 16, 2021
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Mindfulness is indeed known to be a way to approach life with compassion and acceptance. These eight reasons will help you understand the benefits of mindfulness so you can incorporate it into your own life!

1) Mindfulness is an act of self-care

Mindfulness is practicing mindfulness through meditation or mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness helps you focus on the present moment and the objects in it (and not your thoughts!)

These exercises can help promote feelings of relaxation, calmness, stability, and happiness within yourself.

2) Being mindful keeps our brains healthy

When we are mindful, we promote relaxation, calmness, stability, and happiness within ourselves. Also, when we are aware, we can avoid feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and fear. This sense of awareness occurs because mindfulness activates the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is the part of our brains that separates us from other animals. The PFC controls our emotions and decision-making and allows us to think about the consequences of our actions.

3) Mindfulness is the key to a happy life

When we are mindful, we can become aware of the negative thoughts and emotions we may have. This conscious state allows us to actively choose how to respond to these (if at all). For example, a feeling of anger could be interpreted as a message to do something different rather than going into a rage. Mindfulness helps us have an objective view of our emotions and choose how we want to respond.

4) Mindfulness can help keep us alive!

When we are mindful, we become aware of the negative thoughts and emotions we might have. This conscious state allows us to choose how to respond to these (if at all). For example, a feeling of anger could be a message that signals you need to do something different rather than going into a rage. Mindfulness helps us have an objective view of our emotions and choose how we want to respond.

5) Mindfulness increases our awareness of ourselves

When we are mindful, we notice how our body is reacting to the world around us. Mindfulness can help promote feelings of relaxation, calmness, stability, and happiness within ourselves. We can also become more self-aware when we take time out to be mindful and focus on the present moment.

6) Mindfulness helps us to be more focused on the present moment

When we are mindful, we can clear our minds of any thoughts unrelated to the current situation. This empty state of being gives our brains a break from over-thinking and worrying about the past or future. We can appreciate what is happening now in our lives, which can lead to feelings of happiness, joy, or contentment.

7) Mindfulness means that we are totally aware of our surroundings

We pay more attention to the world around us when we are mindful instead of being on autopilot. This state of awareness helps us become more focused on the present moment and what is happening in it.

8) Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our feelings

When we are mindful, we can become more self-aware. We can notice how our body is reacting to the world around us, and this, in turn, helps promote a sense of relaxation, calmness, stability, and happiness within ourselves. This introspection can, in turn, help improve relationships with others, as well as how you view yourself.

Now you know what mindfulness is and the benefits of it, your life can be completely different! Here’s another example for you: A friend of mine could fight his inner demons just by practicing mindfulness meditation. He had some difficulties with alcohol which led him to lose his job, wife, and home. One day he stopped drinking, started eating healthily, and practicing mindfulness meditation to help him appreciate the world around him. Now he has his own business selling organic food and does very well for himself!

So instead of just sitting back and taking life as it comes, start being more mindful today!



Gary Mike Adams

I am an eclectic writer with many interests and topics that go through my head daily. I am extremely passionate about my craft and always want to push further.