How to Make Freelancing Your Full-time Gig

If you've ever thought about freelancing as a way to make more money, have flexible hours, or work from home, this article is for you

Gary Mike Adams
2 min readOct 16, 2021
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Freelancing can be an attractive lifestyle — but it isn't the right choice for everyone.

Keep Other Commitments in Mind

For starters, if you want to freelance full-time and not just on weekends or evenings while holding down another job (which could be tough with kids!), then you need to take care of yourself and your health.

You don't have anyone else who will do that for you! So always keep your other commitments in mind before committing 100% to be a freelancer. It is also important that the work itself is enjoyable; otherwise, boredom or burnout can set in quickly.

Get Motivated

Another problem freelancers face is a lack of motivation. It isn't always easy to get up and running each day (or evening or weekend) when working for yourself. So try to find ways to motivate yourself — join that writers group, take that class, ask your friends to interview you for a case study, etc. No matter how small they seem, getting involved in other productive activities can help motivate you to take more action on your freelancing business. You have the potential to earn more money being self-employed than working as an employee — but only if you think of freelancing as your full-time gig and work hard to make it happen.

To sum it up, if you just scrolled to the bottom, the only way to make freelancing your full-time gig is to take the plunge and start freelancing full time.

If you want to freelance full time, you can't put any other full-time commitments first.



Gary Mike Adams

I am an eclectic writer with many interests and topics that go through my head daily. I am extremely passionate about my craft and always want to push further.