Positive vs. Negative Effects of Technology on Children
It’s difficult for parents to know what is best for their children since all kids react differently depending on their personality, age, and interests
There are both positive and negative effects of technology on children.
Some argue that it can be a good thing for kids because it helps them stay connected with friends and family who live far away, entertains them during free time, or even teaches them about important topics like science and history. However, there are also negatives to this kind of technology use among children.
For example, they may become addicted to the screen which can lead to problems like not being able to focus or pay attention in school. So how much is too much? And when should parents step in? It’s difficult for parents themselves to know what is best for their child since all kids react differently depending on their personality, age, interests, etc…
But one thing is clear: Technology has an impact on the way children learn, play, and interact with others. The question is, are there ways to use it positively?
Positive and Negative Effects
Technology has both negative and positive effects on kids because it can be used in so many different ways. Some studies have found that when students are allowed to use tablets or other devices for assignments they have better grades than students who use pencil and paper, or students who do not receive any devices. Other studies have found that when kids are allowed to play video games their social skills improve, but if they spend too much time playing video games it could lead to problems with how the child interacts with others. Parents need to know all of these facts so that they can recognize what is best for their children.
Understand the Whole Picture
Parents need to keep all of these facts in mind when thinking about how technology affects children and see what would be the best thing for their own child based on that. Some parents may feel like there are more benefits than negatives, while others might think the opposite. It really depends on what is best for each individual child.
Talk with Your Kids
To use technology positively, it is important for parents to talk with their children about what they are doing online. It’s important to stay up-to-date with all of the new apps and video games so that parents can teach kids what’s safest or not safe to do while using these technologies. It’s also important to teach kids how they can stay safe when using technology in public, at school, or when meeting someone online. Technology is everywhere so it’s better for children to know all about them before they start using them on their own.
Set Limits on Screen Time
Parents should limit the amount of time that their children use technologies like video games and the Internet. It’s important for parents to talk with their kids about how long they use these technologies each day, and try to get them to spend the same amount of time reading or playing outside. Parents can even ask their children what they think is a good amount of time to spend on technology every day and see if there is a way they can make sure they follow it.
Volume of Use
Parents need to understand that every child is different, which means the amount of time they spend playing video games or using technology could be more or less than their friends. It also depends on how much technology their friends’ parents allow them to use. Some kids may have access to newer technologies than others, while some kids may have larger screen time allowances. This can also lead to a child being more affected by addiction to technology because of the higher amount of use.
Volume vs. Time
Parents need to understand that it’s not just about how much time their kids spend on these technologies but also how much volume they are using. The volume includes all aspects of the technology including watching videos, playing games, taking pictures, using social media, etc. Parents need to monitor how much volume their children are using at certain ages because it could have different effects on different age groups.
Different Age Groups
For example, if a child were in elementary school they may be able to handle more time and volume than a child in middle school. This is because as they grow and their brains develop it becomes harder for them to focus on the screen and what’s going on around them at the same time; which can lead to poor grades, difficulty concentrating, and other problems.
Share Your Experience with Technology
While parents should monitor how much time and volume their kids use daily, it’s also important for them to share their experiences with their children. For example, if a parent played video games as a child and had fun doing it they could talk about how sometimes playing too much can take away from other things in life like family activities. Parents should talk with their children about the negatives that come along with technology use to help their kids understand that it’s not all positive.
Stay Relevant on Current Technologies
Technology is inevitable and is only becoming more prominent in today’s society. While there can be many benefits that come with its use such as communication, education, and entertainment; technology also has the power to harm children if they aren’t being monitored correctly. Many kids spend a lot of time using technologies such as video games and social media, which can impact their lives in negative ways. Parents need to take the time to talk with their children about what they are doing online and monitor how much volume and time they use. Parents should also stay up-to-date on new technologies that come out; so that they can teach their kids the safest and most efficient ways to use them.
The Negative Effects of Technology on Children
While technology can be a great help for children if their parents make sure they are using it correctly; it also has the power to cause some very negative effects. These include poor school performance, violent behavior, lack of creativity, isolation from others, and addiction-like symptoms.
Screen Addiction
According to Psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair, “we are seeing an epidemic of screen addiction among our children.” There are many different reasons for this problem, but it can be attributed to the fact that more and more kids are allowed unrestricted access to the internet and video games. Parents need to limit their children’s screen time to ensure that they aren’t addicted to technology.
School Performance
One of the biggest concerns among parents is that their children will be less likely to complete tasks for school when they are on their computers or playing video games all day long. A study was done in 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and it found that students who spent more than 2 hours playing video games or using the internet for other purposes had a significantly lower grade point average than students who spent less time on their devices.
Violent Behavior
There are also some links between violent behavior and how much time children spend playing video games. According to mprnews.org, “a new University of Michigan study shows that young adults who play violent video games for several hours a day are more likely to behave aggressively than those who don’t.” This is because the excitement and adrenaline that kids experience when they play these games can cause them to act differently.
Less Creativity
The more time children spend playing on their devices the less time they have to be creative and use their imaginations. As technology continues to advance, so does the speed at which kids can obtain information. Because of this, many children are growing up without any knowledge of how to use their brains effectively and solve problems on their own.
Technology can also cause isolation among children, especially if they play video games or spend time online with others. “Playing video games can be social, but typically it is done in the home among family, which research shows is not nearly enough to combat this growing issue of social isolation,” said Steiner-Adair.
Multiple Screens at Once
Technology addiction has become a very serious problem among children and teens alike. According to Psychologist Ira Chaleff, “addicted teens are often simultaneously using more than one medium…most common is the combination of TV/DVDs, video games and computers…for example, playing online games with other addicts while watching TV.” Parents should talk with their children about how much time they spend on certain websites or playing video games so that it doesn’t become an addiction.
The Positive Effects of Technology on Children
Although technology can cause some negative side effects, it also has many great benefits for children and teenagers. These include: connecting with others through social media sites or computer games, learning about various topics (like science and history), and staying connected to family and friends who live far away.
More Connections
Having access to the internet and video games allows children to connect with people from all over the world who they would otherwise never have met. Networks such as Facebook and Twitter can be very beneficial for kids when used correctly because it allows them to communicate with friends, family members, or even celebrities!
More Education
Another way that technology can help children is by teaching them about various topics. Sites like TED and YouTube provide videos that teach children about different scientific concepts, music, art, etc. This can be very helpful for young students who are trying to learn materials for school because it provides an online lesson plan!
Friends and Family
Lastly, technology helps kids stay connected with friends and family members who live far away. Because of the internet, it is possible for a father living in Texas to keep up with his daughter who lives in New York by watching her play 24/7 on her webcam. This allows them to have daily conversations and stay close despite the distance that separates them.
Technology has both positive and negative effects on children depending on how they use it. It can help kids connect with others, stay busy and entertained, and even learn about various topics. However, the negative effects of technology on children such as addiction and isolation cannot be overlooked.
What do you think is the best way to balance the good and bad that comes along with using technology? Do you know anyone who has experienced any positive or negative effects of technology on children?