The Mindful Entrepreneur: How to Run a Business and Live in the Moment

Gary Mike Adams
3 min readOct 17, 2021
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Running a business is no easy task. Many things need to be done, often on tight deadlines. The pressure of responsibility can make it difficult for entrepreneurs to find time or space for themselves. They may feel like they have little control over their lives when in reality, they do! It’s up to them how much power they want to give away by giving in too quickly when others ask them for favors or take advantage of them in some way.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though! With just one small change, everything could go more smoothly and with less stress on your mind and body. All you need to do is slowly start incorporating mindfulness into your life. Mindfulness means staying in the moment, being present and aware of yourself and everything around you. With regular meditation, you will find that both you and your business benefit from this practice!

Create Some Space for Yourself

When running a business, it can be challenging to find time for yourself. Even if it’s half an hour during your lunch break you can use to meditate, that is better than nothing! There are many ways of incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, and taking just a bit more time for yourself will help you relax and become more productive and efficient at work.

Develop Your Intuition

As an entrepreneur, you rely heavily on your intuition. This inner voice will help guide you and urge you to do many things that we humans must not ignore. So go ahead and listen to it! Of course, there may be times when what your gut tells you is different from the logical decision, but in most cases, the two will work together and be on the same page.

Keep Your Creativity Flowing with Mindfulness!

The life of an entrepreneur is not easy, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy your life or find ways to keep your creativity flowing. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you will become more productive, more focused, and able to come up with new ideas faster. Mindfulness is such a simple concept, but it will help you as an entrepreneur and as a person!

So how can you incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine? For example, try out some guided meditations or yoga sessions for entrepreneurs.

Running a business is no easy task, but it doesn’t have to be this way. With just one small change, everything could go more smoothly and with less stress on your mind and body. All you need to do is slowly start incorporating mindfulness into your life! Mindfulness means staying in the moment, being present and aware of yourself and everything around you. With regular meditation, you will find that both you and your business benefit from this practice!

Start by making space for yourself during work hours or setting aside time for some “you-time” where all tasks are off-limits. Intuitively follow what your gut tells you as an entrepreneur because following those impulses can lead to big wins at work (and new ideas!). Lastly, keep your creativity flowing and incorporate mindfulness into your workday. By meditating just a few times a day, you will find that both you and your business benefit from this practice!



Gary Mike Adams

I am an eclectic writer with many interests and topics that go through my head daily. I am extremely passionate about my craft and always want to push further.